Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Local Non-profit enrolls Americans in Healthcare

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Love it or Hate it, the Affordable Care Act, ACA for short is in full effect. So much so that many Americans will face a tax penalty if they have not enrolled in a healthcare plan by Feb 15th. Whether you decide to beat the lines and enroll early or make a last minute dash to the Illinois Healthcare Marketplace on Sunday, Feb 15th, there is a local non-profit that has an entire team of state licensed enrollment counselors that are well trained and ready to enroll you or answer your enrollment questions. By the Feb 15th deadline, they will have enrolled hundreds in Chicagoland.

Sounds good? The story gets even better, you can call them to schedule an appointment and they will assist you with your enrollment FREE of charge. It’s hard to believe that this is their first enrollment year and they’ve helped Americans save thousands of dollars in the Illinois Healthcare Marketplace. The team boasts many success stories. One of which, an Enrollment Specialist was able to apply a $444 tax credit which brought her client’s monthly premium down to $30 a month.

Interested in speaking to an Enrollment Counselor? Visit their website or call their toll free number: 888-809-0810